Parkway of Broken Dreams: 480p Edition

Parkway of Broken Dreams: 480p Edition

Darkness imprisoning me

Friday is here! And we crossed an important threshold in our crowdfunding campaign–surpassing 30% of goal–thanks to a bunch of very generous contributions that came in last night.

So, today, I present to you a vision of what Parkway of Broken Dreams might have looked like if it was made more than a decade ago:

Yep, when I say that I’ve been working on this concept for a long time, I really mean it. Back in 2007, I was pretty actively producing video content for several YouTube channels, even though all I had to shoot video was my Canon PowerShot digital camera, which just happened to shoot 640×480 videos.

This footage has been sitting on one of my hard drives for 11 years, untouched. I shot it one night walking on Maryland Parkway, when I lived right at the corner of Maryland and Flamingo. The idea was to do an entire video or series on basically the same subject matter as Parkway of Broken Dreams. But I guess I got distracted and never shot more footage or did anything with it.


I would say “enjoy,” but it’s really awful, shaky, blurry footage and my voiceover is super serious. I promise, the tone of Parkway of Broken Dreams won’t be anywhere near this grave. Pinky swear.